plugins, skins and other resources for computer-based audio production

Capture Audio

Plugin for Ableton Live

Capture audio and insert it into the project with a single click. Mimics the behavior of Live’s Capture MIDI feature but for audio inputs.

Main features:

  • Capture audio from external input sources or project tracks.
  • Save captured audio to disk and automatically insert it into a project track.
  • Captured audio can be inserted as a Session Clip or directly into the Arrangement.
  • Audio can be captured from up to 16 input sources simultaneously.
  • Auto-Reset mode similar to Capture MIDI. The internal buffer is cleared every time the transport is started.
  • Captured audio is saved in a custom folder or automatically inside the project folder.
  • Name customization of the created audio files.
  • Alternative single input version that works in the track’s effects chain.

In the plugin Settings it is possible to set the capture mode, recording time (in minutes or bars), number of inputs to use and format of the captured audio files. As well as the fields used to name the captured audio files and the folder where they will be saved.

Check the manual before buy: Capture Audio PDF Manual

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About killihu

I am an audio developer focused primarily on developing resources for Ableton Live. I work in collaboration with various producers to get ideas and create new tools related to music production. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.


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